Peter Pan Wiki

Fox's Peter Pan & the Pirates is an American animated television series based on James Matthew Barrie's Peter Pan that originally aired on Fox Broadcasting Company from September 8, 1990 to September 10, 1991.


The television show focuses as much on the pirates as it does on Peter Pan. Captain Hook and Mr. Smee traditionally are the only pirates who receive any attention in the story, but here, the other crew members of the Jolly Roger (Robert Mullins, Alf Mason, Gentleman Ignatious Starkey, Billy Jukes, and Cookson) are given distinct personalities and character development. A real force to be reckoned with, Hook is a powerful, temperamental, cultured, intelligent, and charming pirate with an insatiable thirst for vengeance. Some attention was also given to the Native American characters (no longer called Redskins). The people and their customs were often featured in the storyline.



"You'll Never Get The Better Of Me!"
Peter to Hook as the final lines of the series in Fox's Peter Pan & the Pirates
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  1. Coldest Cut of All
  2. The Ruby
  3. Tootles and the Dragon
  4. The Rake
  5. The Dream
  6. Eternal Youth
  7. Now Day Party
  8. Hook's Christmas
  9. The Phantom Shaman
  10. Slightly Duped
  11. Treasure Hunt
  12. The Girl Who Lives in the Moon
  13. Slightly In Stone
  14. The Great Race
  15. Living Pictures
  16. Hook's Mother's Picture
  17. Peter in Wonderland
  18. Vanity, Thy Name is Mermaid
  19. Pirate Shadows
  20. Billy Jukes, Lost Boy
  21. Curly's Laugh
  22. Nibs and the Mermaids
  23. A Day at the Fair
  24. Hook the Faithful Son
  25. The Croc and the Clock
  26. Jules Verne Night
  27. The Hook and the Hat
  28. The Play's the Thing
  29. Count de Chauvin
  30. Friday the Thirteenth
  31. The Letter
  32. Mardi Gras
  33. River of Night
  34. When Games Become Deadly
  35. A Wee Problem
  36. Professor Smee
  37. Three Wishes
  38. All Hallow's Eve
  39. Wendy and the Croc
  40. After the Laughter
  41. Stupid Smee
  42. Plucking of Short Tom
  43. Peter on Trial
  44. The Foot Race
  45. Dr. Livingstone and Captain Hook
  46. The Neverscroll
  47. Pirate Boys, Lost Men
  48. A Hole in the Wall
  49. Demise of Hook
  50. Tootles the Bold
  51. Play Ball
  52. Immortal Pan
  53. Knights of Neverland
  54. The Pirate Whoe Came to Dinner
  55. Elementary, My Dear Pan
  56. Seven League Boots
  57. Evicted!
  58. The Wind and the Panther
  59. Invisible Tootles
  60. First Encounter
  61. The Never Ark
  62. Frau Brumhandel
  63. Lost Memories of Pirate Pan
  64. Hook's Deadly Game
  65. Ages of Pan


See also[]
